II (7). Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment


In order to create a respectful, welcoming and productive community, the Institute is committed to providing a living, working and learning environment that is free from discrimination and discriminatory harassment. The below listed collection of policies related to discrimination and discriminatory harassment within the MIT Community applies to all members of the Institute student community. These policies apply to conduct that occurs on MIT property or off-campus, or when an MIT student is representing or acting on behalf of the Institute, conducting Institute business, or attending Institute-funded or Institute-sponsored activities such as a conference. In addition, these policies may apply to conduct that occurs outside the MIT academic environment if that conduct affects the work or educational environment.

The discrimination and discriminatory harassment policies include Nondiscrimination Policy, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Gender-based Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, Title IX Sexual Harassment, and Non-Retaliation.

Reporting Options and Resources for Students

Members of the MIT community are strongly encouraged to promptly report all incidents of discrimination and discriminatory harassment, including sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking. Prompt reporting of such incidents makes investigation more effective and enhances the ability of MIT to take action. Any MIT student who believes they have been subjected to discrimination and discriminatory harassment, including sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking, by another MIT student may initiate a complaint by speaking to any of the individuals listed on the IDHR Website.

Individuals have numerous options for reporting the misconduct and obtaining support, which option an individual chooses depends upon the nature and severity of the misconduct, whether the individual wishes the report to remain confidential, and whether the individual wishes to pursue a formal complaint.

For information about reporting, campus resources, and grievance procedures, visit the IDHR Website or contact the Institute Title IX Coordinator:

Sarah Rankin, Title IX Coordinator
120 Massachusetts Ave.

Cambridge, MA 02139
Building W31-223
(617) 324-7526

In addition to raising a complaint within MIT, individuals may also file a criminal complaint with the MIT Police, Cambridge Police, or the local law enforcement agency where the misconduct occurred. The standards for finding a violation of law are different from the standards used by MIT in determining whether there has been a violation of MIT’s policy. The filing of a complaint of discrimination and discriminatory harassment, including sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking, with MIT is independent of any criminal investigation or proceeding (although MIT’s investigation may, in some cases, be delayed temporarily while the criminal investigators are gathering evidence) and MIT will generally not wait for the conclusion of any criminal proceeding to start its own investigation. Students who choose to pursue criminal action can contact law enforcement directly:

  • MIT Police (617) 253-1212 or by dialing 100 from any MIT phone
  • Cambridge Police Department (617) 349-3381
  • Boston Police Department (617) 343-4400

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like additional information about how to relate your experience to Institute policies, please reach out to idhr@mit.edu or for confidential support, contact Violence Prevention and Response at vpr-advocate@mit.edu.

MIT’s Response

Information about resolving complaints of all types of discrimination and discriminatory harassment can be found on the IDHR website and in the Committee on Discipline Rules & Regulations.

Further, the procedure for resolving complaints of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, and Title IX Sexual Harassment alleged to have been committed by MIT students can be found in the Committee on Discipline Rules & Regulations, including Sections XIII-XVI.

The procedure for resolving complaints alleged to have been committed by employees of the Institute, including faculty and staff, can be found in Section 9.8 of the Institute Policies and Procedures.

Allegations of policy violations may be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action. The outcome of disciplinary action can include a warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation. The sanctions of disciplinary suspension and disciplinary expulsion will be strongly considered when a student is found to have violated any part of the nonconsensual sexual penetration, sexual exploitation, or retaliation provisions of this policy and for severe violations of the sexual harassment provision.

Interim Measures During Investigations

While an investigation or grievance proceeding is pending, MIT will provide written notification to a complainant about interim measures to assist or protect that person. Interim measures may include, for example, changing the living and/or transportation arrangements, class schedule, or work schedule of the person who was the subject of the alleged misconduct and/or the person alleged to have committed the misconduct, a no-contact order, or similar action. MIT will also provide written notification to students about existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services available for victims, both at the Institute and off campus. Support services for respondents are also available. Interim measures may also be taken to protect the community.